With The Reds in 11th and Chester le Street in 10th this was a big game to try and close the gap and get the season going the right way.
Here’s how we lined up
1’: Chester kick us underway .
4’: Watson shot takes a deflection that kills its speed, the ball slowly crawls across goal for a goal kick just beyond the touch of Coe
10’: Shaw plays a direct ball across into Pierrepont, who connects sweetly on the half volley but the ball drags just wide of the goal
21’: Barnsley growing in confidence as they push further up the pitch, yet to create a significant chance since Pierrepont’s half volley
22’: Watson plays a ball over from deep left towards Csomor, the defender intervenes and clears but strikes Coe and heads towards the goal but the keeper makes an easy save
25’: Watson aggressively intercepts a goal kick, and plays Csomor in, the Chester defender forces her wide but she wins a corner
29’: Play is developed down the left side, where Shaw is given the ball, she turns in and plays across to right back Myles, her cross is caught by the Chester goalkeeper
30’: Clarke makes an exceptional save down low to her left following a Chester dummy freeing up an on running attacker
31’: A minute later and Clarke is called to action again: Another sensational save following a mazy run down our left side by Chester’s number 4
34’: End to end stuff!: Barnsley with quick passes down the right flank, pass inside is intercepted, and Chester counter, the clearance is missed by Barnsley but eventually recover to make a key block
38’: Facing her own goal, Coe takes the ball under control and turns; but is brought down in the process and wins a free kick in a dangerous area
45’: Right at the end of the first half, Clarke is called upon once again for a 1v1 and responds, making a great save
Half-Time 0-0
The Reds Kick off Second Half
52’: Clarke to the rescue once again, Another save 1v1 against a Chester forward
55’: Chester corner strikes against the head of the opposition unexpectedly, Clarke responds by leaping high to make another great save
57’: Shaw drives with the ball down the right. Shot is parried and eventually the goalkeeper gets down and holds the ball
61’: Pierrepont drifts inside from wide left with the ball, she fires towards the far post but her shot edges wide
63’: Myles hits a long cross to the far post for Pierrepont who’s free at the back post but her header flies just wide
66’: GOAL!!!! Rebekah Coe gets a toe on the end of a dangerous cross 1-0
72’: GOAL!!! Nat Shaw with an outstanding finish to make it 2-0
74’: GOAL!!!! Shaw’s second, our third of the game, 3-0, Shaw chips the goalkeeper on the volley and follows up to finish in the net
81’: Goalscorer Coe makes way for Willson
84’: Elisha James comes on for 2nd and 3rd goalscorer Nat Shaw
87’: Defender Troake comes on in a like-for-like substitution with Ryalls
90’: Pierrepont fires a bullet of a shot towards the goalkeeper from the edge of the box, the Chester goalkeeper responds with an excellent save
90’: GOAL!!! Eve Marshall nods in a cross from the second phase of a corner and makes it 4-0. Another view from the stands
Full Time A big 3 points and 4 great goals, what more could you ask for?
Player of the Match after some outstanding saves is
Listen to Lois and Andy's thoughts following a 4-0 win
Next up is the WNL Cup game away to Derby County on Sunday.