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Barnsley Women's FC
Sun 25 Oct 2020  ·  Division 1 North
Barnsley Women's Football Club
Barnsley Women's FC
M Foye (59'), T Myles (65')
Chester le Street Town
Barnsley Women FC vs Chester le Street Town Ladies FC

Barnsley Women FC vs Chester le Street Town Ladies FC

Bekkie H25 Oct 2020 - 19:35

Game of two halves but Reds unable to find equalizer

This game was another played behind closed doors.
2’: GOAL: for the away side. 0-1.
6’: Pierrepont drives down the right hand side and puts in a cross but can only find the side netting. 0-1.
14’: Greene is brought down and Foye tries the quick free kick but Reds can’t do anything with it.
17’: Greene drives into the box with speed but has the ball taken off her by the CLSTL defender.
20’: Greene receives from a throw and spots Pierrepont’s run centrally, but the goalkeeper gets there first to claim. 0-1.
23’: A Cheetham diagonal ball finds Greene and she drops a shoulder, looks up and tries her luck from 25 yards, but it only finds the ‘keeper.
26’: The Reds break down the right through Pierrepont, who pulls back to Watson. Her effort goes just wide.
27’: Corner after Cheetham steps out of defence and hits from range, which is then pushed wide by the GK.
35’: A breather as one of the opposition players goes down with a blow to the head.
36’: Foye recovers well in the left back position to just do enough to put the away side’s forward off as she bears down on goal.
42’: GOAL: Reds fail to get rid on the edge of the area and the away side nab a second after beginning to shade the game this last 5 mins. 0-2.
45’: SUB! James replaces Ryalls on the brink of half time.
45+1’: GOAL: Chester le Street 0-3.
HALF TIME. A big second half needed.
47’: First corner of the half after Pierrepont’s free kick is blocked in the wall.
50’: Pierrepont frees herself up for the volley from 20 yards but puts it over.
56’: SUB! Woodhouse replaces Csomor.
59’: GOAL: It’s an unreal strike as young Foye steps up for the free kick and buries it!
64’: It’s all Barnsley now! Good intensity in this second half. Still 1-3.
65’: GOAL! And just like that Myles makes it 2-3 from a Woodhouse flick to lay her off.
69’: Woodhouse looks sharp and hits it from the edge of the box, but the goalkeeper stands firm. 2-3 and we continue to push!
78’: The away side strike the bar from a free kick on the 18 yard area.
87’: Foye joins Woodhouse up top as we continue to attack! 2-3.
88’: Woodhouse & Greene link up on the left and Greene looks up to take on the shot, but finds the side netting.
90’: Watson rises from a Foye corner but heads into the ground.
GAME OVER! The game ends 2-3 to Chester le Street, but what a second half turn around that was from The Reds! Great grit and work ethic shown to take into the rest of the season

After another stellar performance this week’s Player of the Match award goes to Maddie showed willingness to drive forward & never shirked a challenge.
"it seems to be the story of our season at the minute..." hear the thoughts of manager Andy sponsored by

Next week back in action against Leeds Utd LFC

C'Mon You Reds!!!

Match details

Match date

Sun 25 Oct 2020



Meet time




No Spectators allowed


Division 1 North

League position

Chester le Street Town
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Gillot Building Ltd
Club Partner - Everlast
Team Kit - Capelli
Player Sponsor Sheldon Ashton - Applewood Bespoke Developments
Club Sponsor - Besco
Transport Sponsor - Globe Holidays